Electrical & Electronics

Design and Implementation of a 16 Bit Carry-Lookahead Adder
The objectives of this project are to design and implement a 16-bit Carry-Lookahead Adder (CLA) using Electric software EDA tool, verify its functional correctness using SPICE simulations, theoretically calculate the delay in the design for a 16-bit addition of two numbers and finally, discuss the effect of carry propagation and ripple in each case with respect to conventional carry ripple adder.

Design of a Decoder with 32-word Register File and 64-bit Word using CMOS Devices
This project implements a design of a decoder with 32-word register file and 64-bit words. Each register bit presents a load of three unit-sized transistors on the word line. True and complementary versions of the address bits A [4:0] were assumed and each address input is capable of driving 10 unit-sized transistors. Different designs of the decoder were made, and the fastest decoder design was chosen based on the comparison between their logical efforts and delays.

Design and Implementation of a Three Stage Amplifier
This project involved the design and implementation of a three stage amplifier with lower cut off frequency of about 400Hz and gain of 60dB as shown in the figure below.

Interrupt-driven LED Blinking using Microcontroller
This project is an implementation of the blinking of two LEDs with a switch connected to a PIC24 microcontroller. A scenario for the description of the project was such that the two LEDs, namely; LED1 and LED2, were designed to be initially blinking, and whenever the switch (SW1) is pressed and released, the two LEDs are supposed to alternate between terminating the blinking and resuming the blinking. The figure below shows the hardware assembly of this project.